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❤❤❤.......Welcome to Pinky Life.......❤❤❤

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Monday, May 31, 2010


2day so sien ,yesterday 9z i sleep at 4 :48o'clk.....tired nia but my mum blah me wan me wakeup go 2 report in police station bz my IC dissapear larrrrrrrrr~~~~~~~~~haiz so nvm i wakeup then bath myself nthen go 2 my taman d police station !so nearly~but tis my 1st time go 2 dere~parking my car then jus in the building ,=='' nobody ...nobody...nobody but eu!haha no la ,hehe gt 3 police in dere la actually.........*-*'' after i fill all my information jus waiting the police key-in & print out 4 me !jus need 2 pay RM2 ...hehexx!n then i try 2 leave it BUT a police uncle try 2 chatting wif me !He asking me more question & try 2 gv me solve the question .....he memang like 2 kongsi idea wif me la~more & more talk about life problem , so good !i like the question so substantial much!like a interview ~haha !but i knw he jus try 2 gv me some teach in my pocket !thx police uncle !well we chat 3 hours above!jus chat lk a friend ,free style!B4 i leave it, he say come again if gt free but......hahaxx!when bec home my dad queer about y so late he wan accompany me go pejabat make new card IC.....i telling my dad ,my dad say "oic, MUSTAFA the police uncle name, my dad knw him ,dad say he really like tat ,he can chat wif me is a good thing & he a nice man too......"feel challenge when answer the question >_<'' after take the letter go 2 pejabat .......jus 1:28o'clk reach dere.......but close ,wll open at 2 o'clk.....haiz~me & my dad headache !try 2 lepak in canteen ......sien the canteen too small & ntg 2 eat !me & dad jus order teh tarik .....wait & wait !time up run 1st ....take the num 2 !haha so fast ,jump up my num ,lagi counter 4 ,y oweys kena counter 4 !sit down & i say "gud afternoon, sorry i have 2 make a new IC pls cz my IC disappear " then the staff feedback " adik kalau nak buat Ic baru perlu bayar RM110 "=='' so sading cz my money wan fly again ==''damn! but the staff ask me again "adik belajar lagi keh?i say yes ......then she say if eu gt student card & bring it come wll discount 50%......ding ding ding !my eyes suddenly bright !==''but i 4get bring it lar.....haiyor! she say better eu come 2mrw la .....thingking too much ,i decide come 2mrw ,cz i wan save money!wakaka~~anthr way my dad suddenly take num & go do new IC ....ei~i queer then ask, he say rosak liao IC ....==no wonder la he lk tat good say wan accompany me go=='' i lk my dad IC card is red colour d so pretty ,cz he hometown in Singapore =='' siok !haiz conclusion is my dad do not me=='' wat the hell ! so lazy wan come again !damn it.........faint down......!MyEm0.Com