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❤❤❤.......Welcome to Pinky Life.......❤❤❤

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

20 wanted @_@ hoping

1. I wan wif my bf 4ever & sweet~
2. I wan my family include baby family healthy & strong~
3. I wan study best in all subject & get a result 3.5 above~
4. I wan study best in my piano class ~
5. I wan my baby hubby love me 4ever & oly care me ~
6. I wan collect many many pink colour & hello kitty thing~
7. I wan a new handphone & i hope 1day i can get a iphone~
8. I wan my skin change good & look good on my face~
9. I wan eat ice-cream & chocolate when unhappy & sad~
10.I wan earn money & save money wif my baby~
11. I wan go journey wif my baby in Japan~
12. I wan my mickey dog healthy & healthy~
13. I wan my dad & mum can attend 2 my conversation 1day~
14. I wan my brother hav a good gf ~
15. I hope my baby dream come true can open salon 1day~
16. I hope my body slim oways~
17. I love my family include mickey & baby family~
18. I love my dear baby & wont leave he alone~
19. I love my god ~
20.. I hope what i hope will dream come true~pls god